extra utilities ender quarry. This mod provides RF generators that consume different fuel types, including normal coal/charcoal, pink dye, food, and nether stars. extra utilities ender quarry

 This mod provides RF generators that consume different fuel types, including normal coal/charcoal, pink dye, food, and nether starsextra utilities ender quarry 16

There are two biomes (that I'm aware of) that affect ore gen (other than when using mods that modify how ore gen is done, like Custom Ore Gen): Extreme Hills (has emerald) and Mesa (has extra gold) Thanks for the quick reply! I've been using mesa for a long time now, don't really know the difference. It can also be used as a decorative block and has connected textures (even in microblock form). I am creating a modded server on 1. 마인크래프트/모드. . Admin's noticeboard; Mod abbreviation list; Tilesheet requests; View messages; Abuse log; Abuse filter; Global script; Global stylesheet; Side bar; Site noticeJust a bunch of useful thingsExtra Utilities' RF generators, Ender Quarry and Ender-Thermic Pump; Template:MFR machines, which also accept RF besides EU and MJ; Modular Powersuits items; these can be charged in an Energetic Infuser; Mekanism machines, tools, and cables, which all accept and convert RF, and Mekanism itself, which can be set to display energy values in RF. 18. The ender quarry does however have a block that attaches to it to clear the ground if desired. Like the other upgrades, it is placed on one face of the quarry itself, and give the Ender Quarry the Silk Touch effect, and increases the power used by the quarry 1. ago. I have a typical setup where the quarry is hooked up to an ender chest which is loaded in the same chunk. It also acts like an upgraded version of Magical Wood and when placed near an Enchantment Table gives a boost of 20 levels. Extra Utilities 2 is a complete rewrite. 7. but in 1. About all that EU. At least my DW20 1. * Use said lava to power magmatic dynamos. . Extra Utilities Mod. Ender Quarry Pump Upgrade is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If thermal is in your pack, Leadstone or Hardened Fluxducts, if using EnderIO, then whatever low tier Conduit (depending. 10 and earlier. General: Utilities Reborn tries to bring back some features from past time (1. . Buildcraft: Quarry (For some reason) Extra Utilities: Ender Quarry (where it mines) Steve's Carts: Chunk Loader module; ReactorCraft: Chunkloader; Redstone Signalling. Craft with redstone torch and it would become a blacklist instead. For those who care: This mod was made with MCreator!I'm confident Extra Utilities will still be an amazing mod. Not sure if you have ender io but ender quarry is a dream come true Reply TheSaucyWelshman • Additional comment actions. 0. Crafted as Watering Can (Empty), the name changes when filled by Right-clicking on any Water source (the source. It will quarry a very large area and will replace all blocks with dirt so there is no hole to look at. 2). If it finds an empty inventory, or doesn't find an item that it can pull according to its Item Filter rules, it will. A defensive weapon that deals damage to any Mob or Player that touches it. The Ender Quarry chunkloads itself. • Ender Collector • Ender Core • Ender-Flux Crystal • Ender-Marker • Ender-Thermic Pump • Ender Quarry • Ethereal. Version 1. I made another quantum quarry and made a biome marker for Hell and for the End and regardless of which marker I use, it still just mines overworld. For the mod for Minecraft 1. jar 3. Grid Power Extra Utilities 2 on CurseForge Extra Utilities 2 on GitHub Extra Utilities 2 on GitHub (Issues, outdated) Extra Utilities. 90MB a year ago. 7. That's just a guess, though my reading of stacktraces is very rough. But i am missing the Ender Quarry cause I really liked that item. 2. 16. 1. Massive, irregularly-spaced columns support a cavern roof from which giant stalactites hang; poised over the barren wasteland of cobblestone like tectonic Swords of Damocles. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. 5. A low-lag liquid pump designed specifically for lava in the Nether. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. in: Extra Utilities, Components Ender Quarry Upgrade Base Sign in to edit The Ender Quarry Upgrade Base is a block added by Extra Utilities. . It also acts as a chunk-loader, keeping itself and the bare minimum of. General: Utilities Reborn tries to bring back some features from past time (1. Ender Quarry Speed III Upgrade is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. The mods in my custom pack retain the feel of vanilla (nothing tech heavy, no new ores) whilst adding the fu. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 2 & 1. The port of the Ender Quarry from the original Extra Utilities 1. It is the full and only version of Extra Utilities for Minecraft 1. It has a property similar to a Bookshelf of being able to boost Enchantment Tables it's placed closed to. As other have said, the size of the quarry doesn't matter for much, it will keep two chunk loaded anyways. Enderthermic pumps replace lava in the nether with cobblestone to prevent lag, Colored blocks & connected textures allow for decorations while magnum torches and chandeliers prevent mobs form spawning. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. 16. I prefer the Ender Quarry over the Quantum Quarry, because players would have to sort of fight over resources in a world if they lived close together. BE aware that the quarry need a tank link to it AND a chest for the items. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, the Ender Quarry will mine blocks as if a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe was used. In the mean time, 99% of crusher machines can do Cobblestone -> (Gravel ->) Sand, so if you happen to have. * Use an enderthermic pump (powered by a magmatic dynamo) to pump lava from the nether into both the magmatic dynamo and into a tessaract that sends your lava to a holding tank in your base. This means that changing the recipe for anything is extremely annoying and doesn't work most of the time. Ender Quarry is a bit more involved and expensive. * Use an enderthermic pump (powered by a magmatic dynamo) to pump lava from the nether into both the magmatic dynamo and into a tessaract that sends your lava to a holding tank in your base. General: Utilities Reborn tries to bring back some features from past time (1. Just recently I build an ender quarry (from extra utilities) in the deep dark (another dimension from the same mod). The quarry injects directly into the item conduits through the tesseract so you don't need any extraction upgrades. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. 7, Ender-Flux was generated from regular Redstone Flux at a ratio of 1000 RF to 1 EF. The QED is used to make Retrieval Node (Items), Retrieval Node. 5. 7. Unfortunately it has been found that most common generators cause disastrous interference with the mana producing flowers. Wird es neben einer Ender-Quarry platziert, werden im Quarry-Bereich blöcke abgebaut, als ob ein Glück I - Werkzeug verwendet worden wäre. Induction Smelter + Nickel Ore + Cinnibar + 4 Auxiliary Sieve Augments (increased secondary output chances). To activate the Snow Globe, the user must visit 7 of these biomes with the globe in their inventory: End Forest Hills Jungle Magical Mountain Nether Ocean Plains Sandy. Industrial Foregoing has a type of void miner. Extra Utilities Mod adds a variety of random items and blocks that can be very useful: low latency pumps and quarries, energy/liquid/item transport pipelines, automation, storage (objects) products and liquids), decorations, mob traps and farming, construction, and more. Feb 7, 2015. 1 Recipe;. Interestingly, 'attacking' a living creature. I think Actually Additions has a laser focus that does something similar (and affects Netherrack to provide Nether ores like Nether Quartz). This block is the base of all. General: Ender Quarry Plus adds/ports the lagacy ender quarry from Extra Utilities 2 to the neweset minecraft versions! It also contains some upgrades and some lagacy crafting ingrediences! Following Items/Blocks/Machines are included: Ender Quarry; Ender Thermic Pump; Ender infused Obsidian; Ender-Core im using the extra utilities ender thermic pump without any upgrade using it to pump lava and im trying to power an ender quarry with 3 max lava engines from extra utilities the ones that have 2500 rf/t and i constantly run out of lava its so anooying pump wont be fast enough tho ;/ Unknown. 18. (atleast from the Diamond point. For MC 1. U. The Transfer Node (Items) is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. feed-the-beast. RFTools has the builder which can be used as a powerful quarry when a quarry card is inserted into it. The mod also provides low-lag alternatives to the Quarry and Pump through the Ender Quarry and Ender-Thermic Pump respectively. In terms of speed, Ender Quarry is lighting fast and blows BC quarry away. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. 2). . The effects of using more than 1 upgrade are cumulative. Off the top of my head, in addition to the Arcane Bore, there is also the Extra Utilities Ender Quarry, although that functions in a very similar manner to the Buildcraft Quarry. The Builder's Wand is a useful tool featured in Extra Utilities, it allows the player to perform building tasks quicker. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. Available for MC 1. 3 + Added: Ender quarry + Added: Generators + Added: FMP Fences + Added: FMP Pipe jackets + Added: Diamond computation Matrix (Crafting ingredient) + Added: Ender core, which can boosts enchantment table + Added: Custom entity rendering on certain players + Added: TC4. In the default setup, it mines in a specified area but replaces mined blocks with dirt. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, the Ender Quarry will leave mined blocks as air instead of replacing them. Extra Utilities Name : Extra Utilities Creator : RWTema Latest Version : 1. You could forcibly limit the power you provide the Builder/Quantum Quarry by means of lower tier power transfer. 2. 000FE/t) to do that as fast as possible (Fastest 1Block/tick or 20Blocks/Second). One thing I hate about Extra Utilities 2 (and possibly 1) is that most items and blocks use nbt instead of actual id's. Business, Economics, and Finance. Ender Quarry: an efficient resource mining machine. In the latest version (i) he have added a super cool feature that al. 8 and beyond, see Extra Utilities 2. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, the Ender Quarry will mine blocks as if a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe was used. Available for MC 1. The Mechanical Miner is a block added by Extra Utilities 2 used to break blocks. Ender Collector is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. Like the other upgrades, the Ender Quarry Speed III Upgrade is placed on one face of the quarry itself, and multiplies both the speed and the cost in terms of power of the quarry. In the default setup, it mines in a specified area but replaces mined blocks with dirt. Added: NEI Item info will now show when the user press 'R' over an item, after the crafting recipe. It can be powered by Ender-Flux Crystals that are placed within a 9 block radius of the QED. Vannila・Extra Utilities 2(バニラ. It is the full and only version of Extra Utilities for Minecraft 1. and you got no AE2 in that pack or why do use Chests? and Energy shouldn't be a Problem with stuff like Extra Utilities, Ender IO, IE. Only problem is the lag you would get. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Dark Glass is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. Discover a new guide for Extra Utilities Mod Wiki. Generator textures and mechanics have been changed. Available for MC 1. Like the other upgrades, the Ender Quarry Pump Upgrade is placed on one face of the quarry itself, and allow your quarry to pump liquids blocks as water, lava. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, it will increase the mining speed of the Ender Quarry, depending on how much power is available. In recent versions of Extra Utilities, the Healing Axe is an effectively infinite-durability diamond axe that no longer heals living creatures. 12. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, it will allow the Ender Quarry to also collect fluids when activated. 7 Pack Crash Landing Crundee Craft DNS Techpack Direwolf20 1. I believe BC quarries are cheaper requiring only diamonds, gold, iron, redstone, and sticks. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. 2. Try pumping the liquids (on the receiving tesseract) in a Nullifier when testing. "ender quarry power" {I:baseDrain=3600 I:hardnessDrain=400} Maybe we could increase the power cost by 4x or 16x which is decent considering a full speed quarry would take a little bit more power than 1 amp of IV. The port of the Ender Quarry from the original Extra Utilities 1. 2). Downloading Extra UtilitiesExtra Utilities Changelog Version 1. I dug the three blocks directly underneath where the quarry arm was & this fixed the issue. For the quarry to function, the Quantum Quarry must be placed, and then surrounded by Quantum Quarry Actuator on all six sides, much like IC2 's Nuclear Reactor. Solid block. If you're looking for lots of ore, you can just tweak the COFHCore configs. The Transfer Pipe is a block added by Extra Utilities 2. Compressed Dirt (Extra Utilities) Compressed Gravel (Extra Utilities) Compressed Sand (Extra Utilities) Conveyor Belt (Extra Utilities) Crossover Pipe. Reactions: DeathOfTime. The Ender Quarry is a block added by Extra Utilities. I'm mining in a custom mining world (dimension id 4) using an. The ender quarry eventually stops unless I place a ender chest nest to. The Ender Quarry World Hole Upgrade is a block added by Extra Utilities. 9. This mod includes: • The Quarry. Assumptions: your pack has Buildcraft (obviously), Thermal Expansion 3, and Extra Utilities. 10 (since i havent seen anyone making it again, and got replaced by the quantum quarry in extra utilities 2), it would be basically a normal quarryplus (maybe the basic version can be as fast as a fully enchanted quarry plus, and then you can place enchants on top of it. 7. Filter Pipe: filters the items that go through. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. It is designed to reduce lag, which is especially beneficial for Multi-Player servers. You could forcibly limit the power you provide the Builder/Quantum Quarry by means of lower tier power transfer. 5. 12. Not only RF systems such as Ender IO and Thermal Expansion, but also useful industrial mod such as Extra Utilities and Immersive Engineering are enriched. Would it be possible to add some mechanism for restricting how high an ender quarry mines? My specific issue is that, unless my small-scale testing has misled me, I can't use an ender quarry un. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. Honestly it's more like Ender IO: 300 Thermal Dynamics:2 I just really like the Power Monitor responsiveness and how Ender IO works with identifying problems in your power system as well as regulating overflow. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. ago. Both conduits are kept in position. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. 44MB a year ago. Extra Utilities is created by rwtema on Curseforge and spans from version 1. If you have Extra-utilities installed then use the Ender Quarry, it can support an unlimited* (read stupidly large) area. The Quantum Quarry is the. The Pipe's properties may be adjusted by 'Right-clicking' with a stick to set the direction of travel, black stripe marks indicated the entry point. Disabled Ores on Mars only let Desh there) Galaxy Space. Note that not all features are implemented yet. 8+. 6. Hello, i am playing Feed The Beast Revelation atm which has Extra Utilities 2 installed. Ender IO hasn't updated past 1. It is accessed by creating and standing on the Portal to the 'Deep Dark'. There will be changes in this mod. If thermal is in your pack, Leadstone or Hardened Fluxducts, if using EnderIO, then whatever low tier Conduit (depending. You're confusing the quantum quarry and the ender quarry. Das Ender Quarry Fortune I-Upgrade ist ein Block, der von Extra Utilities hinzugefügt wurde. For dir Mod für Minecraft 1. 2). 2 & 1. Pipes whose uses were previously separated have been integrated into one transfer pipe. Like the other upgrades, the Ender Quarry World Hole Upgrade is placed on one face of the quarry itself. 16. Fixed Ender Quarry only accepting a max of 1000 RF/T. Also keep in mind that this mod is not a one-to-one copy of the original. It self-chunkloads, loading the chunk it is in, and the chunk it is currently operating in. In the default setup, it mines in a specified area but replaces mined blocks with dirt. 16. Players can prevent themselves from passing through by sneaking (default: holding. Extra Utilities 2 is a mod created by RWTema. 7. At the beginning it worked just fine but after a few thousand blocks it just stopped working. The QED is used to make Retrieval Node (Items), Retrieval Node (Liquids), Transfer Node (Energy), Transfer Node. There will be changes in this mod. 370k members in the feedthebeast community. Apr 30, 2014. Making the thing has some kind of weird requirements though. When attached to an inventory, it will search through Transfer Pipes for another inventory that has items in it. Ender Quarry Plus. Dark Glass. 18. There will be changes in this mod. CryptoIn case you are surrounded by lava oceans, or good quarry space is scarce for a different reason, you could opt to pump the lava out first. Like the Depth-First Search Upgrade it prevents the node from resetting its search for an inventory to empty its buffer into, but unlike the Depth-First. #2. General: Ender Quarry Plus adds/ports the lagacy ender quarry from Extra Utilities 2 to the neweset minecraft versions!It also contains some upgrades and some lagacy crafting ingrediences! Following Items/Blocks/Machines are. 0i Added: Ender-Quarry Upgrades Added: Hyper-Energy node Added: QED Ore Processing Changed: Recipes for 64x generators Changed: Endermarkers auto-rotate to nearby solid surfaces The Ender Quarry World Hole Upgrade is a block added by Extra Utilities. Ender Quarry Plus. 18. It emits a one tick duration Redstone signal per second. Aside from being used to craft the Ender Quarry, the block is an upgraded version of Magical Wood. Ender quarry Tier 4: RFTools builder with quarry card + fortune card Tier 5: World eater, a complex build that consists of 16 buildcraft mining wells that move on a frame machine. A mining machine that extracts resources from the ground and replaces it with dirt. 5. 2. 9: Minecraft Version : 1. First i thought the problem was with extra utilities. General: Ender Quarry Plus adds/ports the lagacy ender quarry from Extra Utilities 2 to the neweset minecraft versions!It also contains some upgrades and some lagacy crafting ingrediences! Following Items/Blocks/Machines are. The behavior is that I set an Ender Quarry running happily, and it starts out fine, mining blocks and emitting them successfully, so there's no fundamental problem with power delivery or item collection. Added Portalto the Last Millenium Added Eminence Stone: a decorative block Added Ender-Sand Alloy: a decorative block Added Reinforced Dark Glass: explosion-resistant variation of dark glass Added config option to enable the Peaceful table in all difficulty levelsIn this episode I show you how to use the Ender Quarry from extra utilities to do some automatic mining. • Ender Collector • Ender Core • Ender-Flux Crystal • Ender-Marker • Ender-Thermic Pump • Ender Quarry • Ethereal. The only pain in the butt about it is you have to fence off the area you want quarried. 12. zs. For dir Mod für Minecraft 1. 8 und später, see Extra Utilities 2. Added behind-the-scenes SideOnly support to various classes. For those who care: This mod was made with MCreator!IV seems to be a nice tier to get the quarry, however, the power cost of running it at full speed seems abit low. Tier 1: computercraft mining turtle Tier 2: buildcraft quarry Tier 3: Ender quarry Tier 4: RFTools builder with quarry card + fortune card Tier 5: World eater, a complex build that consists of 16 buildcraft mining wells that move on a frame machine. 5. The Red Orchid when planted. . Don't think I've ever seen any quarry go faster, only one that comes close was the ender quarry from extra utilities 1. The Magical Snow Globe is a component added by Extra Utilities 2. General: Utilities Reborn tries to bring back some features from past time (1. Quite a bit more expensive than the Trash Can. 03. No more huge holes in ground and no more lag because of floating water/lava. For MC 1. 18. BE aware that the quarry need a tank link to it AND a chest for. There will be changes in this mod. General: Ender Quarry Plus adds/ports the lagacy ender quarry from Extra Utilities 2 to the neweset minecraft versions! It also contains some upgrades and some lagacy crafting ingrediences!. There will be changes in this mod. get the Ender Quarry. A mining machine that extracts resources from the ground and replaces it with dirt. This page is about die Mod für Minecraft 1. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. 7. The Ender Receiver is an upgrade for the Transfer Node (Energy) and (Hyper Energy). Extra Utilities is a mod created by RWTema. Like the other upgrades, the Ender Quarry Pump Upgrade is placed on one face of the quarry itself, and allow your quarry to pump liquids blocks as water, lava. The Rationing Pipe is an advanced Transfer Pipe added by the Extra Utilities mod. Ender-Thermic Pump. 7. This time we go over the Ender Quarry. It's main purpose is to be used as a crafting ingredient for the Ender Quarry. Also, do you need to dig all the way down to bedrock ? – Yotus. Ender-Lily Seeds are found in Dungeon chests (8. Put an efficiency 5 book in the slot, and supply lots of rf (~100k rf/t) and it goes pretty darn fast. As for new quarries, Extra Utilities' Ender Quarry is by far the best quarry in the pack for a multitude of reasons, the biggest being that it is upgradeable and is the lowest lag solution. 7. The Redstone Clock is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. That method is THE SINGLE MOST expensive method of 5x ore processing. The Quantum Quarry is generating it's own biomes in it's own dimension, meaning it's pretty much an endless supply of resources. I currently have a minefactory reloaded laser drill as shown in picture below, but it is way to slow for this pack since you literally need sometimes thousands of a certain metal/gem (For singularity) I also tried the extra. Ender Generator is one of the generators added to the game by Extra Utilities mod. Es handelt sich also um ein G. The Ender Quarry chunkloads itself. Report. The Diamond Pickaxe must have the Efficiency. 12, i need something like ender quarry on 1. 5. It can be found below y-level 16 growing on Redstone Ore. So recently in my game I braved making the unstable ingots to make a deep dark portal (And died twice in the process), and frankly I'm unimpressed. The Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade is an upgrade item added by the Extra Utilities mod. . 2. For those who care: This mod was made with MCreator!Extra Utilities' RF generators, Ender Quarry and Ender-Thermic Pump; MineFactory Reloaded machines, which also accept RF besides EU and MJ; Modular Powersuits items; these can be charged in an Energetic Infuser; Mekanism machines, tools, and cables, which all accept and convert RF, and Mekanism itself, which can be set to display energy. It is a portal block which is activated when right-clicked. It is an aesthetical block which is also used as an ingredient in crafting. When it is placed adjacent to an Ender Quarry, it will increase the mining speed of the Ender Quarry, depending on how much power is available. Simply put, if you're in modern modpacks of 1. Note that not all features are implemented yet. My setup is a big reactor producing 11k Rf/t, which is solely…Transfer Pipe. If you are using the DW20 pack, look for the Ender quarry. For MC 1. (1 Eye = 80 RF for 25 mins, and it takes literally 5 minutes to get a full 64x stack of blaze powder and ender pearls. CryptoI have a quantum quarry with no marker and it mines overworld fine. 3 OpenBlocks; 2 Additional Information; 3 Usage; 4 Note; 5 Videos; Recipe. 12. Any tool. It also comes with a. The QED is a block added by Extra Utilities. I noticed this bug today as well, DireWolf20 1. It is a mod that adds a number of random blocks and items, such as generators, utilities, decorative blocks and the like. The effects of using more than 1 upgrade are cumulative. It can be powered by Ender-Flux Crystals that are placed within a 9 block radius of the QED. How much of this is the combination of ExUt with other FTB mods, and how much is basically innate?. Just a bunch of useful thingsUnofficial mod that brings legacy Extra Utilities to the new minecraft versions! Unofficial mod that brings legacy Extra Utilities to the new minecraft versions!. I have a few favorite mods but with the last Extra Utilities from RWTema this mod goes up in the ranks. Extra Utilities Mod 1. Press J to jump to the feed. 12. The Ender-Marker is a block provided by the Extra Utilities mod. Note that not all features are implemented yet. To feed the fusion reactor with power and deuterium just hook a tesserect underneeth the reacter. There will be changes in this mod. 7. It's a machine that is used to automatically craft items using a 3 by 3 crafting grid. Alternatively, you can always start the quarry underground. 18. This can, for example, be used to quiet down farms with many animals. Setup a Rainbow Generator, which is also included in Extra Utilities, it puts out 25m rf/t per once you get it up and running. the quarry will output to any inventory directly adjacent to it, which can give you a buffer. (lets just say its a good thing the last people that tried such a mix were on the second moon). 2 & 1. It will quarry a very large area and will replace all blocks with dirt so there is no hole to look at. Also the ender quarry was from Extra Utilities 1. Extra Utilities Ender Quarry is the method of choice for quarries now. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. 2. The Ender Quarry Speed I Upgrade is a block added by Extra Utilities. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. Culinary Generator ( x8 • x64 ) • Ender Generator x8. (lets just say its a good thing the last people that tried such a mix were on the second moon). 3It also has a german ve. 5 times. Cinnibar + Nickel in the Induction Smelter starts with a Secondary Output. 2 & 1. The Iron Pickaxe must have the Fortune I enchantment. 2 & 1. The Item Filter is an item added by Extra Utilities 2. Ender Quarry is a bit more involved and expensive. Dark Ethereal Glass is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. It is an upgrade to the Ender Quarry. The only pain in the butt about it is you have to fence off the area you want quarried. The Watering Can is an item added by the Extra Utilities mod. It still consumes power and it says it as mining at (x,y,z) but it never moves from that spot. 0. It is a pump designed specifically to pump Lava from The Nether, and to minimize lag. The ender chest feeds into a temporary setup of buildcraft pipes pumping out into a sorting system back on the overworld, which is chunkloaded with a chunkloader. 5.